Who and what is LGBT+HUSET?

LGBT+HUSET is an association that aims to be a visible and unifying place for LGBT+ people, associations and allies in Aarhus. LGBT+HUSET wants to strengthen the LGBT+ community in Aarhus and create the best conditions for all LGBT+ people.

Why do we need a LGBT+ house?

In Aarhus, there is a thriving LGBT+ community. There are now many different associations, each of which makes a unique effort to improve the conditions for LGBT+ people and create communities. However, as an LGBT+ person in Aarhus, it can be difficult to find your way around which different associations there are, what they offer, and how to become a member. As an association, it can be difficult to reach out to those who can benefit from the association's offers, knowledge and support. In addition, the environment can be intimidating to new LGBT+ people in particular.

LGBT+HUSET skal derfor være det samlende sted i LGBT+miljøet, hvor både foreninger, LGBT+personer og allierede kan mødes. Det er LGBT+HUSETs vision at skabe de bedste omstændigheder for, at nye fællesskaber opstår, og at viden og erfaringer deles på kryds og tværs. LGBT+HUSET skal desuden være det centrale LGBT+relaterede videns- og informationscenter for alle i Aarhus Kommune.

LGBT+ HUSET ønsker både at styrke eksisterende foreninger samt understøtte udviklingen af potentielt nye foreninger og fællesskaber. Vi stiller derfor lokaler til rådighed for alle slags møder og forsamlinger. I lokalerne er der også mulighed at reklamere, udstille eller noget helt tredje.


  • To bring together and strengthen the existing associations in the LGBT+ community.
  • To increase opportunities to create communities across the different associations in the LGBT+ community.
  • A visible place of commonality for LGBT+ people in Aarhus to seek out information and to become part of a community.
  • We want to make it easier for people to get in touch with others who may also want to create new events with and for LGBT+ people.